How Many Push-Ups Should You Do A Day To See Results? Tips For Finding the Right Routine

Push-ups are a classic exercise that can help improve strength and endurance in your upper body and core. The number of push-ups one should do per day to see results can vary greatly depending on individual fitness levels, goals, and the specific results desired.

Set Realistic Goals

Set Realistic Goals
Before you start counting the number of push-ups to do each day, it’s crucial to assess your current fitness level. Beginners might start with sets of fewer push-ups and gradually increase the number as their strength improves. Intermediate and advanced individuals may focus on higher numbers and more challenging variations.

How to Establish Clear Objectives?

When it comes to integrating push-ups into your exercise regimen, clarity is key. Establishing clear objectives will not only help you track your progress but also keep you motivated.

Before you set a target, determine how many push-ups you can perform with good form. This baseline will serve as a starting point for your goal-setting. Also, the key should be to focus on increasing the number gradually. 

How to Reach the Optimal Routine?

How to Reach the Optimal Routine

The essential factor is to focus on your current state. The routine won’t be the same for someone who is already physically active, and someone who suddenly decided to practice after a very long break. 

Beginner Routines

For beginners, starting with sets of 5-10 push-ups is a good baseline. Gradually increasing the number of sets or push-ups per set over time can help improve endurance and strength without causing injury.

Intermediate and Advanced Routines

Those at an intermediate or advanced level might aim for sets of 15-25 push-ups. It’s important to maintain proper form to maximize effectiveness and reduce the risk of injury.

Consistency and Variation

Consistency is key to seeing results. A daily routine, with rest days to allow for muscle recovery, can lead to improvements over time. Incorporating variations such as incline, decline, or diamond push-ups can target different muscle groups and prevent plateaus.

Monitor Your Progress

Monitor Your Progress

The best way to improve is by checking your results all the time. The progress also depends on your physical state. For example, you might need a longer process to go from a series of 5 push-ups, to a much higher limit.

The pace of improvement should be slow, so you won’t risk getting an injury. You can start with 3 series of 5 push-ups, and then start increasing the reps each week. Observing your condition will help you determine the best pace for further progress. There are cases where only one more push-up per week would be a significant improvement, while there are also those who will manage to add up a few more in their reps each week.

To ensure you’re on the right path, keep a log of your push-ups, noting the number of repetitions, sets, and any variations you use. Over time, this record will show your progress and highlight areas for improvement.

Why Proper Rest Is Important?

Being consistent is the key, but that doesn’t mean that you must train every day for a very long time. Forcing the improvement could have its bad sides. For instance, you could face an injury. Also, it can affect you in other ways, such as making you tired for other activities, sleepy, or facing constant inflammation. 

A balanced workout routine might involve push-ups 3-4 days a week, allowing for rest days in between. This schedule can help prevent overuse injuries and give your muscles the necessary time to rebuild. 

Combine with Other Exercises

While push-ups are effective for targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps, incorporating full-body exercises can enhance overall fitness and contribute to a more balanced physique. Exercises like squats, lunges, and planks can complement your push-up routine and help build functional strength.

The Benefits of Cross-Training

Cross-training with activities such as swimming, cycling, or running can improve cardiovascular health and aid in muscle recovery. This variety can also keep your workouts interesting and help you stay motivated.

How Can Proper Nutrition Boost Your Performance?

How Can Proper Nutrition Boost Your Performance

Nutrition is the fuel that powers your training sessions. Consuming the right nutrients before, during, and after workouts can significantly enhance your performance and recovery.

Pre-Exercise Meals

Eating the right foods before training provides you with the energy needed to perform at your best. A combination of carbohydrates and protein can help sustain your energy levels throughout your workout.

Ideally, you should eat a pre-workout meal 2-3 hours before exercising. This allows your body to digest and convert food into usable energy.

Nutrition During Exercise

For prolonged training sessions, maintaining energy levels is crucial. Simple carbohydrates can be a quick source of energy that can help you maintain intensity.

Don’t Forget About Hydration

Staying hydrated is just as important as food. Water regulates your body temperature and lubricates your joints, which is vital for peak performance.

Post-Workout Nutrition

After training, your body needs nutrients to repair muscles and replenish energy stores. Protein is essential for muscle repair, while carbohydrates help restore glycogen levels. On the other hand, even a longer fast can have positive effects on your body. 

A post-workout meal should be consumed within 45 minutes to an hour after exercise to maximize recovery.

A protein shake with a banana or a chicken breast with quinoa and vegetables are excellent post-workout meal choices.

The best approach is to focus on adding more protein to your diet. On the other hand, you should lower the intake of sugars and carbs as part of post-workout meals. 

It may sound challenging, but you can play around with various recipes if you learn more about the best sources of protein. 

Food Item Protein Content (per 100g) Simple Recipe
Chicken Breast 31g Grilled Chicken Breast: Season the chicken with salt, pepper, and olive oil; grill until cooked through.
Turkey 29g Turkey Salad: Dice cooked turkey and mix with mayo, celery, onion, salt, and pepper. Serve on whole-grain bread.
Tuna (canned) 28g Tuna Salad: Mix canned tuna with mayo, a squeeze of lemon juice, and chopped pickles. Serve on salad or bread.
Lean Beef 36g Beef Stir-Fry: Sauté sliced beef with vegetables in soy sauce and serve over brown rice.
Greek Yogurt 10g Greek Yogurt Parfait: Layer Greek yogurt with berries and a drizzle of honey.
Cottage Cheese 11g Cottage Cheese Bowl: Top cottage cheese with sliced peaches and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Lentils 9g Lentil Soup: Cook lentils with diced tomatoes, vegetable broth, and seasonings until tender.
Black Beans 8g Black Bean Salsa: Combine black beans with corn, diced tomatoes, onion, cilantro, and lime juice.
Quinoa 4g Quinoa Salad: Toss cooked quinoa with diced vegetables, feta cheese, and a lemon vinaigrette.
Almonds 21g Almond Snack: Roast almonds with a touch of sea salt for a crunchy snack.
Eggs 13g Scrambled Eggs: Whisk eggs with milk, pour into a skillet, and scramble until cooked.
Tofu 8g Stir-Fried Tofu: Cube tofu and sauté with soy sauce, garlic, and your choice of vegetables.
Edamame 11g Steamed Edamame: Steam edamame pods and sprinkle with sea salt.
Salmon 25g Baked Salmon: Season a salmon fillet with herbs, bake until flaky.
Peanut Butter 25g Peanut Butter Toast: Spread peanut butter on whole-grain toast and top with banana slices.


How many pushups a day will make a difference?

Even a small number of push-ups can make a difference, especially if you are a beginner. Starting with as few as 10-15 push-ups a day can increase muscle tone and strength over time. The key is consistency and gradually increasing the number as your strength improves.

How long do push-ups take to show results?

Results from doing push-ups daily can often be seen in as little as 2 to 4 weeks. This is when you might notice increased muscle tone and strength. For significant changes in muscle size and overall fitness, it may take a few months of consistent practice.

Is 500 pushups a day good?

Performing 500 push-ups a day can be excessive and may lead to overtraining, increasing the risk of injury. It’s essential to build up gradually and focus on proper form. For most people, a more balanced approach that includes a variety of exercises is healthier and more sustainable.

Will 30 pushups a day make a difference?

Yes, doing 30 push-ups a day can make a noticeable difference, particularly if you are new to the exercise or looking to maintain your current fitness level. It’s a good way to build and maintain muscle endurance and strength over time.

What’s a proper push-up?

A proper push-up is performed with a plank-like position, maintaining a straight line from your head to your heels. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart, and as you lower yourself to the ground, your elbows should be at a 45-degree angle to your body. Your chest should come close to the ground without touching it, and you should push back up to the starting position while maintaining a straight body line without sagging or piking at the hips.

Last Words

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to how many push-ups you should do a day to see results. It depends on your starting point, your goals, and how your body responds to the exercise. By starting at an appropriate level, tracking your progress, and adjusting your routine as you go, you can find the right number of push-ups for you.